Yomping Outside – A Novel by David Zelda
After a successful 18 year career in The Royal Marines, Nathan Sawyer is at a crossroads in his life, wondering
which path to follow. Fate takes a hand when he witnesses 2 Serbian men beating up a young girl. He intervenes, rescues her and discovers she is a Montenegrin, called Elena Borovic. She and eleven other girls were kidnapped
in Belgrade and for over a year have been forced to live as sex slaves in Liverpool. A rescue is mounted for the remaining girls which plunges Sawyer and his team into the middle of a gang war.
which path to follow. Fate takes a hand when he witnesses 2 Serbian men beating up a young girl. He intervenes, rescues her and discovers she is a Montenegrin, called Elena Borovic. She and eleven other girls were kidnapped
in Belgrade and for over a year have been forced to live as sex slaves in Liverpool. A rescue is mounted for the remaining girls which plunges Sawyer and his team into the middle of a gang war.
This is a fast paced thriller in the style of a super spy movie, with a likeable hero, beautiful girls, evil crime
lords and fast moving action on an international scale. There is never a dull moment as the action flits
between Liverpool, Leeds, Cyprus and Belgrade, with double crosses and violent altercations at every
turn. In amongst the action is a delicate love story which neatly counter balances the violent
lords and fast moving action on an international scale. There is never a dull moment as the action flits
between Liverpool, Leeds, Cyprus and Belgrade, with double crosses and violent altercations at every
turn. In amongst the action is a delicate love story which neatly counter balances the violent