Thursday, 28 April 2016

Marking the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's death slightly 'alternatively

Marking the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's death slightly 'alternatively'

Sunday 21 May 8pm


     You'll have to forgive us here at The Hall of Dreams because we absolutely cannot wait for this show to arrive - so much so, that we're banging on about it a month early! The show honours the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's death in Spymonkey's own unique fashion... by performing all 74 of the bard's onstage deaths. 75 if you count the 'ill-favor'd fly' in Titus Andronicus. Spymonkey are a self confessed bunch of idiots; extremely talented idiots who happen to be tremendously funny and gifted in the clowning department. So you can expect them to perform each death sometimes lingeringly, sometimes messily, sometimes movingly, sometimes musically, but always hysterically.  Due to their often outrageous humour, smatterings of colourful language and the occasional bit of nudity, the show is not really advisable for anyone under the age of 14. But it comes heartily, verily nay hugely recommended to everyone else!  
Tickets £16.00 from 01522 873894